Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dublin SDA Church and Howth

Today, after a few months of living in Dublin, I finally went to church in Dublin. I was expecting the church to be small (there's only around 500 Adventists in Ireland), but I was surprised by how many Brazilians there were. The church was extremely multicultural: I met a few Romanians, Nigerians, a Slovakian, a ton of Brazilians,South Africans, one Irish girl and one British dude. All the church members were really friendly and welcoming. After the Sabbath school and the sermon, I was about to head back to my apartment and sleep. Before I could walk out the door, a nice Romanian guy played the game, "Do you know, Ben?". To win the game, you ask random people if they knew me...he won every time. So, I was peer pressured into staying for lunch (which was delicious) and went for a walk in Howth, Ireland.

Howth was really beautiful. I didn't take any pictures, so I stole some from the internet. I hope to go back to visit the seals, buy some fish from the market, and take lots of pictures.




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