Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Today I was going to be productive in my studying by going to a nice coffee shop in a place called, Blackrock. I was told to take the number 17 bus, so I did. I was really excited to be going somewhere new, once again. Twenty minutes later, I realized the bus was going through the Dublin ghetto and I thought, “I took the wrong fricking bus”. I kindly asked the driver about getting to Blackrock and then he started laughing hysterically. He finally said, “phew, you just made my day. I was starting to feel depressed, but now I’m good! You do take the 17 bus, but you’re supposed to take the one going the OTHER direction. I’ll let you off here and you can catch the right 17 bus”. I was glad I made his day, but my productive one was ruined. I sat in a bus for thirty minutes listening to a bunch of really ugly “D4. Dollys” (girls who look orange and have too much makeup on…like a doll….who lives in the Dublin 4 area. Apparently there are like two sides of Dublin that don’t like each other. One side has the D4’s and the other side makes fun of the D4’s.) sing Lady GaGa’s, Telephone song. FML
So, I waited by the bus stop and waited and waited and waited until I got really pissed. I waited 80 minutes for a dang bus 17 to come by and who do I see? Yep, the laughing guy. He started laughing again when he saw me and told me that I didn’t have to pay. So generous.
I might come back to that strange place, during the day, to maybe explore but never ever to do something productive again.

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